Call it off: Stop searching for your mission.

I finally gave up.  After twenty years of searching for my mission, I threw in the towel.  And today I’m going to ask you to do the same.  Stop searching for your mission.  I know where it is.

It’s not out there.  It’s not in the books you’ve been reading.  The podcasts you’ve been listening to.  It’s not even in the Bible.  It’s not at church.  It’s not at the next mission trip that you really are going to go on this time.  It’s not in this blog.

Your mission, your calling, is planted deep inside you right now.  Waiting, maybe even bursting, to get out.  It’s not missing.  It’s buried.  Buried under your mortgage, dentist appointments, soccer games, iPads, Facebook, and everything else that fills up absolutely every second of every day.

Each morning when I wake up I grab my Nook (stop laughing, it really looked like they’d catch on).  I power up and log on to Facebook.  I check the news websites and wonder what politicians are thinking.  I put on some music, grab a shower and get ready for work.  As I step into the living room I turn on the morning news and power up the laptop.  I check how the blog is trending, where I’m getting my traffic, etc.  I make breakfast and eat it while half-surfing and half watching the news.  I make lunch, hop in the car and get a podcast going before I even start the car.  I listen to that for the hour long drive to work and then get Pandora going once I’m settled in at my desk.  Then the river of email begins.

Never a break.  Buried in data.  Buried in input.

Pastor PJ Malin once gave me a simple tip.  Give the first two minutes of any trip in your car to God.  No radio.  No iPhone.  No podcast.  Nothing.  I don’t even like the air running if I can avoid it.  Two minutes.  Un-bury.  Un-clutter.  Find your own time to be silent.  Something happens.  Your mission starts rising to the surface.  It doesn’t even need your help.  It just needs you to stop packing more data on top of it.  Your mission is so desperate to reveal itself in your life that it will start to erupt the first chance you give it.

You never needed to search for it.  You needed to release it.

God didn’t bury your calling like a needle in a haystack.  He placed it securely in your heart, ready to go as soon as you give it room to breath.  Stop searching and let it rise to the surface.  There is a world waiting out there for that to happen.  A world waiting for what was planted in you the day you were born.  You were born with greatness.  You were born amazing.  You were born with a calling rooted deep within you.  I’m excited about the day you set it free.

We were built to be heroes.

It’s about time we started acting like heroes.

134 thoughts on “Call it off: Stop searching for your mission.

    • Thanks for stopping by! I couldn’t get your blog to load just yet. Everything is running slow on my connection today for some reason. But you’re on my list to check out. Glad you found me. Have a great day.


      • Thanks for checking out my blog and following it! I do enjoy Chris Martin’s blog and I have read one of his books as well and enjoyed it. Have another to read on my Kindle also. Looking forward to checking your blog out more as well., 🙂


  1. dearfriends says:

    Hi Jim, Thanks for visiting my blog and leading me back to yours. As a Quaker, I’m so pleased to say “silence is a good thing.” Thank you for this post–Blessings, Barb


    • I wish I could tell you more details about my night last night. But your comment is exceptionally timely and you are so right. We mask this fear by calling it a fear of inadequacy but I can be honest and say that the reality of what I am capable of is scary stuff. Good. But terrifying. I would need to give my whole life to become that. That’s the idea. But it’s scary.


  2. Thanks for following my blog. This entry of yours speaks to me. I have slowly discovered and think I am finally resolving to the fact that my mission is before me every moment of every day…I would recommend much more than a couple minutes of allowing it to rise to the top though; otherwise, for me anyway, it sinks right back down to the bottom.


    • I agree. But the thought of dedicating an hour a day or many hours a day is overwhelming for most. Beginning with the smallest piece of our heart unleashes God to take more. He turned a mere seven loaves and some small fish into a meal for thousands. He can take the smallest part of us, and use it to ignite a fire that brings us to our knees for hours at a time. But it starts somewhere.


  3. Wow! Thanks for this insight. You are right. We are often times overwhelmed with worldly matters that it overshadows are true purpose at times. Awesome post!


  4. I completely agree. People are so inundated with media and technology I don’t think they can even realize their true identity, much less their purpose. I get in my car and it’s worship time (and occasionally Romanian language tutorial). I need to get back into simply reading my bible as I eat breakfast though. I’ve let that slip. Somehow (after my job gave me an iPhone…mind if I blame-shift?) I now mindlessly scroll through Facebook over breakfast. It was so much better starting the day with the Word and not the world.


  5. Well said, Jim. I am reblog on my FB. (had some computer issues) This is a good word we can apply from the start of our day and through out…just touch base with the Lord, He is faithful and very present in the moment…for all who call on Him. ~Zoey


    • It’s like the kid in the movie who stopped playing football to make dad happy, but just because he loved the game, and he finally finds what he had wanted all along. After he stopped chasing it. Thanks for stopping by.


  6. caramelespresso says:

    Beautiful. Reminds me of what I heard once about how we interact with others-that if we treat people like heroes, they’ll act like them. I loved this article.


    • Reminds of a conversation with my wife. I was mired in a bit of perfectionism (it’s a handicap, not a gift) and was upset because the row of seeds I had planted were, upon inspection, not in a straight line. She said, “Well don’t tell the seeds that and I bet they grow anyway.” Ever since we ditched rows in our garden and I’m loving the process of growing our own food even more. Don’t get me started on gardening. There could be a huge nerd explosion on these comments… 🙂


  7. Reblogged this on Chain of Thoughts and commented:

    Read this!! By Jim V
    i cannot help it… I had to comment and like and follow. And if u allow me, i will reblog this beautiful, well written, very encouraging and full of wisdom article. Soooo good! And God always has a way to remind us (myself) to focus on things eternal. I am fairly new to wordpress and it kinda takes away my focus at the moment. Soooo yes, thank you for posting this. Just the thought i needed to start my day. God bless!


  8. i cannot help it… I had to comment and like and follow. And if u allow me, i will reblog this beautiful, well written, verg encouraging and full of wisdom article. Soooo good! And God always has a way to remind us (myself) to focus on things eternal. I am fairly new to wordpress and it kinda takes away my focus at the moment. Soooo yes, thank you for posting this. Just the thought i needed to start my day. God bless!


  9. Average But Inspired says:

    What a beautiful post and sentiment! I am going to give this a try. I have felt so frazzled recently and your message couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you!


  10. rubble2bubble says:

    He’s trained me to cuddle into His Heart. My loving – but rebellious, soon-to-be fourteen year old son came home early last night (Hallowe’en), high and “freakin’ out” on an overdose of magic ‘shrooms. My hubby and I…and our daughter…stayed quiet…near to HIs Heart. My son declared after the event, “I’m a Christian now. It’s going to be a journey.”

    God is awesome. I LOVE to cuddle. He loves this, too. He taught me how to do it:)

    Thanks for this post. It’s true.


    • What do I even say to this?? This is an amazing story. If you would like to share more, I would love to hear more. I would love to post about it, keeping names confidential of course. You can find me on Facebook at the link at the right, and message me. Thank God for this terrifying but powerful intervention in your son’s life. Wow.


  11. I kinda agree with this post. The things that happened in our past and also in our future don’t matter at all. What’s more important are the things that are happening to us right at this moment. If only people would just have enough presence of mind to actually live the simple moments in our lives and not worry about the future nor regret about the past, then I think that life would actually be worthwhile.


    • Very very true. I saw a quote on Facebook from a pastor yesterday, perhaps Tim Evans but I’m not sure, that read, “We can’t move into the future with our foot planted in the past.” And at the same time, we cannot GET TO the future without being present among the things happening around us right now. Thanks for your comment.


    • Repost away! And thanks. So badly wanting to get the word out and I am very thankful for all the shares and reposts. Have an awesome day. Stopped by and followed your blog. So visually stunning. A reminder that things around us really are beautiful. God bless you.


    • Thank you so much. And thanks for the reblog. I don’t even know how to do it, but I had better figure it out because I need to start reblogging the awesomeness that is out there on other blogs (like yours!). Have a great day.


  12. Data is important, using it makes it effectively ,”important”. Few things we collect, information too is accumulated, but when it just stays there without any gets the status of trash..unless life makes us to reload from our memory..however..keeping update is important because it effects your work and leisure..but trying to find our mission in the news update was a new idea..I never thought people log in to news for getting their mission..


      • Thank you so much for sharing. I can’t believe what is happening. I was hoping to get 100 hits my first month and I got 514. And just today, the first day of the month I have 115 in seven different countries! And it’s all because of people, AMAZING people just like you, sharing. Thank you so much.


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