There is a world out there desperate for more than average.

izqrdo / / CC BY-NC-SA

Being average is pretty awesome. For a while. Actually, it’s pretty cool until you’re about forty. And then you realize that being average is… well… pretty average. It’s empty. I remember a few years ago hearing a great friend Frank talk about all the stuff he had accumulated. Motorcycles, snowmobiles, the whole works. He works hard and can afford it. But it started losing its meaning. It started feeling average. And Frank fell out of love with average.

If you’re 25, and average is looking pretty awesome to you, take a lesson from an old timer here.  Average sucks.  Just look at it and keep on walking.  Because none of us has been called to be average.  What’s cool is that there is no one thing that you can do in order to be amazing.  There are a billion different ways to be amazing, and you are custom built to do one of them.  Have no doubt about that.  The world needs amazing things from amazing people and being average just doesn’t fit into that equation.

If you’re average right now… if you’re kind of coasting right now… let me ask you: Are you about done?  Because awesome is just over that hill and it’s calling you.  The world is desperate for you to step into the giant shoes you were born to fill whether you think you’re ready to fill them or not.  Grab your cape people.  Let’s go be heroes.

We were built to be heroes.  It’s about time we started acting like heroes.

6 thoughts on “There is a world out there desperate for more than average.

  1. Bill says:

    Two quotes come to mind. First, Dr. Freud. “What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.” Second, by Christ (Matthew 18:3,4) ““Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”


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